Originally Posted by kelmac07
I personally believe that if the NCAA decides to impose punishment...they should allow the football players (as they were not involved in this heinous crime) the ability to transfer, while losing no eligilbility. They should allow them to transfer and start playing for their new school right away. While I agree the school needs to be punished in some form or fashion...I don't believe the NCAA should be the one imposing punishment, but if they do...the student athletes shouldn't be the ones who suffer. 
Though we disagree on the NCAA's responsibility to step in here with sanctions, I am 100% in agreement that the Student Athletes should have the ability to get an outright release from their commitment to the school and be allowed to play at whatever NCAA institution they choose w/ financials(assuming they were offered elsewhere).
I'll go a step further, even without NCAA sanctions, these Students Athletes should be allowed immediate transfer to another institution without penalty due to the perceived stain of PSU. If they didn't want to play under that cloud, they shouldn't have to.