Thread: Charcoal grill
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Old 07-19-2012, 08:00 PM   #21
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Default Re: Charcoal grill

Originally Posted by OLS View Post
Say hello to me leetle fren............I think it was $139 on sale. Money well spent.
Wishing now I had bought it THIS YEAR.....$119 at Lowe*s...It's the only thing I
have that will distract my dogs from food. I can feed em, and THEN pull the tarp
off of this thing, and they will NOT LOOK at that food bowl. Usually they scarf their
meal down like a race.

Great grill Mine has the smoker attachment on the side. I've had it 4 years now and it's still in great shape. Paid around 140 + another 40 for the attachment.
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