Originally Posted by King James
I would agree with the NCAA getting involved when there is a violation of an NCAA rule, which, to my knowledge, does not include items like those you listed. What happened at Penn State is so heinous that it seems easy to overlook the similarities between what Sandusky did, and a player or coach raping or assaulting someone in an isolated incident. But I think you need to look at TYPE of act and not DEGREE of act.
I think the difference here is that when the student athletes are punished but the university for a legal issue, its because those athletes sign code of conduct agreements that explicitly discuss what will happen if an athlete faces legal issues.
I am not following your type of act vs degree of act? So you agree we have never seen anything like this in our history and thus, it will be treated differently or no?
Your second statement was just a response to my comments on kids being punished for their crimes X 2. I was not so much stating that if the school didn't do it, the NCAA would, but that it is not an either/or when talking about athletes/athletic programs in my mind. Just because they are punished by the law, does not mean that further sanctions are not in order. I actually think the school will punish itself in this situation, which may very well satisfy the NCAA.