Thread: Charcoal grill
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Old 07-18-2012, 05:17 PM   #15
Suck It
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Default Re: Charcoal grill

Originally Posted by shaggy View Post
i have found some weber full 18 or 22's for around 100 bucks but if it is just gonna sit in the corner of my yard and never get used then i would prefer to keep the 100 in my jeans. the table top is a cheap way to test the waters i thought and i could use it if i needed it somewhere else
I see some bits and pieces in your logic that make me think maybe you ought not mess with it.
If you are going to test the waters and start with a grill too small to do half of what you want to
do on a good charcoal grill, you will end up with skewed results. I DO understand that
you have a gas grill to do the things your tiny charcoal grill CAN'T, and I also see that your phrase
was 'test the waters'. But a large scale Weber, while it may be 100 bucks, is a great and versatile
grill and SHOULDN'T sit in a corner of your yard unused. But would you just shun it in the end
anyway once you have to start buying charcoal, a starting chimney (fluid bad) and have to
clean up the ashes? If you are testing the waters with a tiny grill, I don't think you will learn
much more than whether or not you like messing with charcoal, not how great a good charcoal grill
can be.

I see Adam already basically said all this. He is right. This is really only a means to an end, and
that end being a decision based on all the wrong data. I have a three foot long Char-Griller unit
with no fire box, and yet I can still smoke meat REALLY successfully using indirect heat, plus I have
a charcoal tray that can go from 8-9 inches below the meat to touching the grate and blasting the
meat with heat. Super great unit. I would never use gas again. I hate it. If you use that Tiny Tim
beach grill, you will end up going back to gas out of necessity, not choice.

And you know, by the time I say all that, if I had NO grill, and you gave me your gas grill, I could STILL
do everything i wanted to on it, I would MAKE it smoke and MAKE it slow cook and MAKE it sear a steak.
But it would be a compromise, and also one that would have me hassling with LP gas bottles.

Last edited by OLS; 07-18-2012 at 05:28 PM.
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