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Old 07-18-2012, 03:38 PM   #19
Suck It
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Default Re: starting my own brand of cigars

I did something like this, and I stress the SOMETHING like this for one of our troop support liasons in a helicopter wing,
you might remember "Comanchero"...I designed a band for him and simply re-banded some cheap General cigar stuff
and some JR alternatives, whatever I could get at a deep discount. By the time he left the theater, I had created a
whole line of different cigars with the same basic band but a 'cigar name' on it, "War Horse" was a giant cigar that
came in a glass tube, I have forgotten all the was a hoot for him, having his own brand to hand out to
people complete with the squadron logo worked into the band. And I made sure to tell him which cigars were basically
crap and which ones were likely to be good or have repeatable flavor results. IT WAS LIKE having your own brand for
all he cared. Selling em in stores, eh, totally different thing I guess.
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