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Old 07-18-2012, 01:41 PM   #84
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Default Re: Should Penn State get the Death Penalty?

Originally Posted by Stephen View Post
I had a response typed out, but my computer ate it.

The abridged version: I apologize if I come across as contrarian, and that even though my opinion is that the NCAA doesn't/shouldn't have jurisdiction, it also doesn't mean that I in no way am defending what transpired at Penn State.

Further, I could never do what you do because I'm a big softie that can't stand to see children in pain.
This is an emotional issue on many levels, but you said nothing wrong. I suppose you're right, in that the NCAA doesn't have jurisdiction, certainly not to do what I think should be done.

As for work, fortunately, I guard one of the research buildings, but if you're in the hospital, you see it. Our department also often guards the victims, as determined by medical staff, so we learn about the case histories, as well.
"Man's mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not." -John Galt
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