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Old 07-18-2012, 01:40 PM   #83
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Default Re: Should Penn State get the Death Penalty?

Originally Posted by E.J. View Post
Shutting down an athletic program makes a very clear statement that life is not athletics, there are bigger things. If anyone tries to flip that, to make athletics bigger....there is a sure way to bring people around. Life is not fair.

The program has no glory.... It's foundation is 45 years of a coach that harbored a child rapist, many of said rapes, happening in that programs facilities. He knew that children were being abused and swept it under the rug for the sake of the glory of said program. This program has won 2 National Championships with a child rapist as their D Coordinator and had him on staff for 33ish years. They knew who he was and let him hang know, for the glory of the program. Joe Paterno = Penn State Football
Glory or MONEY.. take your pick
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