Originally Posted by E.J.
Dom, are you a Penn State fan or just taking that stand?
I think this above question is what the whole debate is about.
Since the situation involves Collegiate athletics, a subject that evokes competitiveness between people,
logic and reason becomes obscured, even if it is done subconsciously.
If you apply the same exact circumstances to another business, you would not look to that businesses governing body to discipline them,
but rather the authorities and law to handle punishment.
If the same exact scenario played out on a dairy farm, would you expect the FDA to get involved?
If you tell the same exact story, but substitute "Penn State University" with "George Washington High School",
do you still feel the Board of Education should lock the doors or cancel the schools extra curricular activities?
To answer your question, NO I am not a fan of Penn State.
As a matter of fact, I could care less about any college sports.
I don't watch Bowl games, or March madness.
The last college game I watched was LSU v Alabama Pt.1
I found that game to be so boring that I didn't bother to watch the rematch.
I do know what the BCS is, I do know what the main conferences are, as well as most of the rivalries.
I honestly feel, I have no bias here.