If I were you, I would cover all my bases. You have no idea where they got that information, so if something was compromised, other things could be as well.
Start by inspecting statements for any other credit, charge, or debit cards you have for any fraudulent charges. Keep a close eye on them for the next few months. If another fraudulent charge shows up anywhere, I would immediately request new accounts/cards for everything, report the fraud to the credit bureaus and keep a close eye on them.
Second, I would go pull your credit report now and make sure there aren't any surprises lurking on that. Identity theft happens to even the most careful people, so any breach is serious. If you weren't aware, the federal government mandates that you can get one free credit report per calendar year from
www.AnnualCreditReport.com (see here for reference information
Someone is bound to think that my advice here is overkill, and yes, it is. But I would rather take an hour of my time once a week when I'm already doing bills and paperwork to be cautious rather than spend a lifetime rebuilding destroyed credit or paying back fraudulent debt.