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Old 07-17-2012, 07:59 PM   #1
Not Crazy enuff to B Here
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Default Finally some good news..

As some of the older members here know the past 3 yrs have been hell for me.

Divorced, daughter moved 2k miles away, lost everything and hit rock bottom..

But its all finally coming around for me..

Been completely in love with an amazing woman, fianlly being appreciated and paid what I am worth and my kids are coming around.

With that said my Fiancée is very sick..wont go into details but us being together forever isnt going to be a reality but thats just a speed bump..

For the 1st time in 5 yrs my daughter, my father and sisters will be in town all at the same time so I will be getting "Married" to this amazing woman.

I was not active very much in the past 6-8 months but cigars have always been my get away and some of you have been friends through it all so with the bad i have shared in my past i want to share the good.

Nothing is for sure in this life so grab what is good and hold on for dear life.

Not Crazy enough to be here....
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