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Old 07-17-2012, 07:37 PM   #2
Suck It
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Default Re: Official Shack Herf VIII Beer Tasting Thread

Bummer about it is I have full size souvenir pints for everybody and I ended up making plans NOT to attend the Shack.
Guess I should have cooled my jets on the glasses until it got closer to the time I had to make a decision, the
company that makes em is blazing fast. But I am nothing if not a dumba55. Still looking for a Arkansan, Kansan,
Nashvillian or other to take em up for me. Anyone passing within a few hours of Memphis or hopefully right through it.

Problem is it's extremely out of the way for anyone but ME it seems. MAYBE a Louisianian. But I think I was the closest
thing to a Louisianian ever to attend.

At least i didn't have the ACTUAL Beer-tasting pints made up, that'd have been additional hundred bucks down the tubes,
but they were super bad and created in honor of my cousin from Michigan who wanted to attend with me who is a huge
Charles Bragg fan and the glass art was an homage to Bragg's work attached here below. I made some minor adaptations
like putting a beer pint in the girl's hand and adding the text Shack Herf Beer Tasting 2012.....I am so bummed out.
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Last edited by OLS; 07-17-2012 at 07:45 PM.
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