Thread: True Blood
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Old 07-17-2012, 12:02 PM   #347
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Default Re: True Blood

Dammit...I hate Russell. I really hope that he's gone at the end of the season.

The direction they're taking with Tara is interesting. Not sure how that one is going to go, with Pam controlling her. And the chick fight with her and Jessica...I think we need more of that...oops...was that your top?

What will go on with Sookie now, too...will she try to turn herself into a "normal" human now?

Who was the rat in Meloni's group? The one that supposedly silvered Russell is my guess.

Alcide trying to be packmaster? That should be interesting.

Overall, I do like the direction everything is heading. It's been very much edge of your seat TV the last couple episodes. Always look forward to the next episode.
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