I thought I'd share a few pictures from my first cruise aboard the USCGC Eagle, the US's only operational tallship. I had the opportunity to sail Eagle for six weeks, during which time I traveled to: Atlanta, Bermuda, NYC, Norfolk, and Baltimore. For those who don't know, I am currently at USCGA and am working toward becoming an officer in the Coast Guard. One of Eagle's primary missions is to train future Coast Guard officers. With that, I hope you enjoy the pictures!

Eagle Specs:
Length: 295',
Beam: 39',
Height: 147',
Speed: 10 kts under diesel and 18 kts under sail,
Displacement: 1813 tons,
Crew: 9 officers, 55 enlisted, and apprx. 175 cadets/TAD

Eagle coming into NYC (Photo by M. Sabatini)

All work on sails is done by hand. Here, my shipmates and I work on the "Royals", the highest sails.

Myself atop the "Royals", looking about 145 feet down to the waterline

CAPT Eric Jones (left) is relieved by CAPT Wes Pulver (right) after 3 years as CO of Eagle (Photo by PA2 Swanson)