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Old 07-11-2012, 07:58 AM   #18
Suck It
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Default Re: Cotinine test/screen

Originally Posted by BlkDrew View Post
This gets my blood boiling. It just goes to show how we are losing rights every day, one at a time.
This is what happens when you reach "pariah status" in our modern world. You start to have a country
where the few understand their power and become the many just like that. You can teach your kids in
school, "Smoking is BAD" and feel good about it, but when they grow up, if they get militant about it it's
gonna backfire on you. It doesn't matter whether you think you are entitled to rights or not, once a thing
becomes thought of as BAD by a majority of people, you've just lost your perceived rights.
This is my main complaint with religion, non-believers become 'the smokers'.
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