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Old 07-07-2012, 05:47 PM   #14
Nicotiana Tabacum
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Default Re: I need vacation advice?

Originally Posted by Drazzil View Post
I have to book a vacation that I am taking in a weeks time (yay paid week off!) and I don't know where I should go. I have a budget of $2000.

My likes include cigars, history, politics and economics. I thought DC but I hear the heat is hellish this time of year. I have a passport so I can go anywhere.

I was going to go to Mexico with a friend but he abruptly disappeared, last minute.

Where do I go?

I am open to anywhere
Actually, I would suggest taking a second look at DC based on what you listed.

You could spend a few days in the National Mall and get so much science, history, politics, etc. Yes, it's hot as heck, but just enjoy it and you can spend most of your time indoors to get away from the heat.

And nearly all of the sight-seeing spots are free or you can give what you can by donation, so you could easily stay within your budget.
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