Re: To Cello or Not to Cello; That is the ?????
I hate to tell you this, but your friend is right.
As are all the people who told you that whatever you decide is fine.
HOWEVER, what they mean in the end is you pay, you play, your way. If you don't notice that you are losing
certain flavors and textures that you enjoy when your cigars sit there in the dark without any clothes, then maybe
for you it doesn't matter which way it goes. But if you notice in 2 years that your prized something-or-others just
don't taste the way you remembered, then you can chalk that up to a common scientific principle called oxidation.
It's killing YOU, it's killing me, it kills everything, including taste in cigars. How fast you smoke them is your only
defense against it. On the other hand, if there are cigars you own that are just TOO strong for your tastes
I suggest leaving them un-celloed for a good while.