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Old 07-06-2012, 04:35 PM   #12
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Default Re: New to pipes - looking for something sweet

Originally Posted by shopkins82 View Post
Anything worth trying OTC/Drug Store that is on the particularly sweeter side?

No! Again, the problem is that aromatics - tobaccos with flavoring that you smell when you nose the tobacco - do not translate to sweetness or even flavor that is tasted by the smoker. The flavoring/top note may be exhibited in the aroma that is evident to those around you, or to your own nose, but will not come across on the taste buds.

And even in those rare cases when the flavoring does come across on the taste bud, it is rarely sweet.

If you are looking for "SWEET" tobaccos, you need to try Virginias and Virginia/Perique blends. Those are the sweetest tobaccos to the palate of the smoker.
Todd__ "Smoke what you like, and enjoy it!"
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