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Old 07-06-2012, 12:47 PM   #1
Coach Deg
C O W eieio.
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Coach Deg is a glorious beacon of lightCoach Deg is a glorious beacon of lightCoach Deg is a glorious beacon of lightCoach Deg is a glorious beacon of lightCoach Deg is a glorious beacon of light
Default Just thought I'd share!!!

Some of you know, I am a high school coach(hence the name). I have a girl on my weightlifting team who just won her second National Youth Weightlifting title. With that we got an invite out to Colorado Springs to the US Olympic Training Facility for a youth development camp. My lifter has also qualified to compete for the US at the youth worlds in Russia. If anyone is interested she weighs 61K(135lb) snatches 69K(152lb) and Clean and Jerks 91k(200lb).

I'm pretty excited and just wanted to share.
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