Thread: Mixing Cigars
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Old 07-03-2012, 06:45 PM   #18
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Default Re: Mixing Cigars

Never really noticed any real problem with mixing cigars intended to be smoked sooner rather than later.
However I have always noticed the real blah-ing down of any cigars just sitting outside of their boxes and
cellophane all together. If your cigars have no cello, I MUCH prefer that they be kept in their own boxes and
closed as tightly as can be. Tobacco oxidizes rather quickly in in the open air, which is great for fast-aging
cigars to smoke asap, but murder on cigars you want to hold onto. THAT perhaps is a much more important
question. Do I want my cigars out and touching one another? Seems like an ice chest is a better idea.
Desktops are much better for storing your smoking stash with an expected life of about 3 months. JMHO
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