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Old 06-30-2012, 07:26 AM   #17
Suck It
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Default Re: JR-Cigars and suck it

Originally Posted by DaBear View Post
I'm calling 100% BS on that statement right there..
You can call whatever you like, your paragraph sounds like sour grapes to me.
I understand the perspective of the small B&M against the mighty JR, but this is not like JR became big
when B@st BUY and Sams and all these places became the shape of things to come. JR was a massive
operation LONG before that. If JR is hurting your business, perhaps your business failed to grow at the
right time to BE JR. This is America where anyone can succeed on that level if they are
smart enough to act at the right time and be ready with the cash when the time comes. Saying that
JR hurts your business is like saying "we don't like the customer valuing convenience and selection over
our homey atmosphere and tendency to follow them around like they are going to steal us blind."
We have all gone over this a dozen times, 'how B&Ms shoot themselves in the foot.' The B&M industry
has a lot bigger problems than JR. If anything JR helps you by bringing more customers into the pool and
giving you a boogeyman to rail against.

JUST ONE of the reasons JR is so big is that no MATTER WHAT the economy or the outlook for cigar sales,
Lew Rothman provided a steady stream of income to cigar producers worldwide. Not just when cigars
were popular, but when they were unpopular. He kept the US industry moving. I will grant you that he
has also twisted a lot of arms and played hardball with people who likely resent him for it, but that's also
business. Most B&Ms in this country owe him a debt they can never repay. Love it or hate it, JR succeeds
because it deserves to.

But don't worry, I put this opinion with your 'known fact' that Padron uses Mexican wrappers and have decided
where I should place your opinions on my continuum of validity.....sorry, but it ain't too high, lol.

But a man is certainly entitled to his opinion, and I would not want to tell you your opinion was invalid or anything.
It's one way of looking at things.
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