Originally Posted by bonjing
LED all the way!
Originally Posted by bonjing
LED's take the abuse and last longer than the bulbs, downside is if something goes wrong it's not a simple replace the bulb, you gotta send it back to the manufacturer.
I agree, more or less. The one major drawback, however, with LEDs is that when your batteries get weak, either due to use or just age, LED lights will just 'quit.' They don't dim, they just STOP. So, for home or personal defense purposes, if it's a light that might sit waiting for the Bad Guys, you could find yourself in a situation where you'd rather have a _dim_ halogen/incandescent light with weak batteries, than a _dead_ LED light with weak batteries. If it's a weapon that's anticipating immediate and frequent action and the corresponding maintenance, then LEDs are probably the way to go.
Kinda depends on it's intended use. The best intentions to stay prepared might be totally trumped by by a bad or old set of batts.