Just saw this. I used to smoke my hookah at lunch and then in the evening. Now... it sits in the case

I need to break it out.
Yeah, there are a lot of great things you can do as far as mixes, adding different liquids (milk, rum, etc.) to really trick it up. For me? My standby was mixing strawberry and apple together... strapple
I would also recommend you play with the coals. Too much coal and and it can get really harsh. Too little and you wont get enough smoke. Also, there are different types of coal. I think I currently use lemonwood coal and absolutely love it. My wife loves it, too. She says it makes the house smell good. Lemonwood coals usually aren't autostart. So, you have to put constant heat/flame to them. I would just throw a couple of pieces of coal on the burner and get them started. Now, I use the burner on the side of my grill.
Ok, enough... I am rambling.