Originally Posted by Blak Smyth
I lite mine a little different, I never draw a flame into the cigar.
I toast it at a distance and then get the entire foot to glow even, blowing on the foot helps. Then I softly draw and recheck the foot for even glow and burn.
There are several ways to lite a cigar, glad you found one that works!
I'll have to try that next! That method sounds like it would take a bit more time and might be tricky outside when it's windy, but I'll give it a shot.
Originally Posted by FriendlyMan
If I may chime in and add, paper matches or regular bic lighters are not good for the cigar as well. Beside inhaling all the fuel is not as natural as Cigar smoke  most better cigar lighter use butane. But I'v heard from many people that they toast it and blow it rather than inhaling any of the fuels while lighting. That's why some cigar bars still offer wood to light the cigar with if you noticed.
Oh yeah...a big +1 on this one for me. I only use butane! I haven't tried blowing outward though, but I guess that it would have the same effect as toasting the foot until it was glowing hot. In either case, you wouldn't be sucking fumes into your cigar.
Thanks for adding to the thread, all!