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Old 06-24-2012, 02:27 PM   #19
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Default Re: Anyone here own a Cigar bar ever?

Originally Posted by smitty81 View Post

First off, it's a really nice place in a really nice location. It's right uptown by everything else.

2nd, it already has a bar.

3rd, it's a good size place with lots of seating and enough room to have a band.

4th, it has a perfect place to build a walk in humidor.

It wouldn't take much to strip the kitchen and sell the stuff for a profit really.

Just the reasons I have targeted this place.

If it is a really nice place in a really nice location and is always dead, I would consider that a huge red flag.

Making a profit on the equipment isn't realistic, because they guy isn't going to give you the equipment for free, but you could sell it to recoup some of the initial investment.

Any idea how much money the guy would want for the building and FF&E? I know some commercial restuarant buildings in the greater Cincinnati Area without working equipment and no current business can run upwards of $1-2 million.
If we weren't supposed to eat animals, then how come they're made of meat?
You can never have too many cigars, they are like an investment in good times.
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