Re: The Poor Mans Behike?
This type of discussion is why I normally drop out of cigar forums in late August and only occasionally drop in anymore. I started avoiding the Monster hype. It was sad to see normally amicable brothers at each others electronic throats over this stuff. The show your latest purchase thread started to feel like a nah/nah/ne/boo/boo over who could get the latest and least available.
I too, could care less about what the latest Pete/Viaje/Padron/Fuente release looks like. I had my eyes opened on what the new brotherhood looks like back during the Drac days. Seems Pete fans and opponents draw divides. This is not what I thought this "Asylum" meant. Yes, I'm guilty of throwing a few stones Pete's way, but that was mainly over marketing and the division his products create. I normally smoke cigars that are not available here, but that's not to say they're superior. They are my choice. I still smoke some tats (love the Petie reserva) and NC's when I don't have the time or concentration to devote to a cigar. When I want a "good" (in my opinion only) cigar, it's cuban.
Am I a snob? Perhaps. I know what I like and seek it out. Do I advocate anything just because it's cuban? No, Cuba makes some pretty rank stuff too. For me; it's all about the brotherhood first. The rest is dried up rotting leaves hardly worth arguing over.
And yes, when I see smoke what you like and like what you smoke, that's what it really means. No exceptions. Check out my pic herfing with cowboy while he's puffing an acid and shotgunning Boone's Farm. No animosity, just a good friend I was happy to smoke with.
Just a rambling post that probably means nothing from someone a lot of you don't know.
Artillery Lends Dignity to What Would Otherwise Be a Vulgar Brawl