Thread: NBA Finals 2012
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Old 06-22-2012, 12:35 PM   #17
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: NBA Finals 2012

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox View Post
Carlos, I think James was criticized last year for being a dud because he talked a lot of smack and didn't come through on it. I mean, the criticism and hatred a lot of people show towards James he brought on himself. Here's my take on when James was asked what his first thought was when he saw the clock at 0.. When he said "It's about damn time", I just thought to myself he was thinking to himself he should have had 3 or 4 Championships already, and it's about damn time he got his first.. The reason I think that is because he's always been cocky and arrogant, and had this sense of entitlement.. Just my opinion. He's a good player, but to me not GREAT. He didn't have a great game 5 to be honest. And what about Miller?? The guy was on fire last night, and really was a big part in the Heat winning last night.. I think I saw his face once during the celebration. I don't plan to turn on ESPN for the next two weeks because I know when I do the "kings" face will be all over it
I hear you.
I can tell you I certainly did not like the theatrics about who he would play for as some divine savior. However, at least for now, he backed up his crap. He will now learn how hard it is to repeat and how it really takes champions to do it. Let's see how that team responds next year. Will be interesting to see. Heck, I may even become a fan of professional basketball. OK, maybe that is truly a stretch. They are a bunch of pansies (really, really thought about something nice to say about NBA players and this is the result of my valiant best effort).
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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