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Old 06-22-2012, 11:34 AM   #117
Suck It
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Default Re: The Poor Mans Behike?

How many people that said that they had posted the last they would say on the matter have come back in?
THAT is what I find funny.
I have to say that if there was anything personal being said, that there would be a stop put to the thread.
I disagree wholeheartedly that people need to refrain from one side or the other. That's what a thread is for,
to debate something and hear both sides. We have some pretty good moderators at work here.
I would say it is a gross overstatement to say that everytime there is a Tatuaje thread that it turns into a
free-for-all. GROSS.
The threads that get the most action with his name on it are the ones that are so completely Madison Ave on
Steroids that it is hard NOT to laugh. This one simply pointed to a story about the launch and while the article
itself was pretty benign on it's face, it didn't turn into a farce until the man himself came in and said what amounted
to me as "they started it!" pointing at the Cubans. Some people here that consider themselves the voice of reason
ought to remember that being right in their own minds does not constitute some kind of best practice for all people.
That's the number one complaint I have against a large portion of society that will have to remain nameless as I have
been asked not to GO THERE....and it AIN'T politics. But the day people can't express their negative opinions
on something like this is the day I will go on about my business elsewhere.

People are already scheming, haha.

You don't have to change MY MIND Trent, I could nearly care less. I will never get around to smoking them,
they might be awesome. I am fine with his marketing practices frankly. I am in TV and I stole everything
I ever did, at least that's the way I tell it. I just like to talk about anything. You want to see me on a
PARTISAN TRAIN, drop by the SEC thread in a few months. The CAIN guy didn't get any better treatment,
btw.....HELL, I admire anyone at the head of a boutique who can come in here and say ANYTHING in the
shark tank that is the internet. It's HARD to EVER say the right thing. There is NO WINNING. Pete tried.

I remember when Croatan and Beagleone came and got me out of my motel room in Dallas one night so we
could drink at their favorite cigar store/pub. They mentioned Pete Johnson had come by the week before and
I said, "Who is that?" They had to tell me. THAT's how little I know or care about a giant segment of the business.
I have my preferences and am not militant at all about it. I KNOW what I like and I could care less if others do too.

You know what makes me happy? When the Asylum has some threads that people are actually TALKING in.
Can you say slow summer??

Last edited by OLS; 06-22-2012 at 11:46 AM.
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