Thread: Rough day.
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Old 06-21-2012, 07:51 PM   #1
Feeling at Home
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Default Rough day.

So the wife and I are staying with in-laws currently. Today sucked more than a little, my MIL got drunk in the middle of the day and proceeded to stumble around the house all afternoon, which for some reason puts the FIL in a criticizing mood. He very nearly made my wife cry when she got home, criticizing how she cares for our son. It's been such a lousy day I decided to come outside for a cigar at 10pm.

All of a sudden from across the street someone starts up with a band practice or something, which would annoy the hell out me ordinarily. These guys are actually good though, I didn't recognize the first song, the melody was soothing but I couldn't quite hear the lyrics. Then came an instrumental rendition of Folsom Prison Blues, which I would recognize anywhere, and then they stopped. I could feel myself cheering up and starting to smile as they played. I don't know who they are but I can't help but be thankful for the guys across the street in their garage, who played 2 songs and called it a night, right when I needed it.
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