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Old 06-21-2012, 04:44 PM   #98
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Default Re: The Poor Mans Behike?

Originally Posted by DaBear View Post
Hence why I worded it as a question. There were a couple things I said that you could have been responding to. Since you have just ruled out the forced theft of a company by the Cuban government in 1961, you must have been laughing at either the plight of Mendez, Garcia y Cia, the rightful owners of Montecristo, or you're laughing at the fact that tastes are subjective, particularly the view that one area in which tobacco is grown is better than others.

I'm not saying you said this or calling you out on this, but the same argument that cigar tobacco grown in area A is better than in area B is the same argument used to justify the Jim Crow laws of the past.(If a mod feels I went a little too far here, feel free to remove this part of my post, no hard feelings)
That's a horrible analogy and in bad taste. If you felt it was inappropriate, why post it? I'm sure you knew it would offend someone, and I would say you accomplished that
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