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Old 06-21-2012, 12:25 PM   #65
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Default Re: The Poor Mans Behike?

I assume then he is paying homage to the size of the behikes, paying homage to the jars, paying homage to the book releases....paying homage to the EL second band.....Lots of homage, interestingly enough he never mentions blatant theft, no because homage sounds better

I should start a company called "Tat2waHey cigars by Peet Johnston". It's a homage I swear, it's not me trying to make millions blatantly ripping you's a homage

I bet he'd sue.

The least he could do is make the cigars look better, merely presentation wise the Behikes look 10 times better at least. But he's right nic tobacco is better

So why does your product look vastly inferior then?
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