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Old 06-21-2012, 12:00 PM   #58
Suck It
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Default Re: The Poor Mans Behike?

Originally Posted by Cornrow_Wallis View Post
The only thing that bugs me is the way PJ is justifying his actions. If you want to make Behike clones, just do it. It's not like he is going to be taking money out of Cuban mouths. If you know what a Behike is, you aren't going to confuse the two.

The announcement he should have made was, "Yea, I like the way they look, so I'm making my own, so what?"
I am glad you posted this because it only JUST hit me after reading this....I think that I definitely
jumped a gun or two here...The words "the cigars are a take on Behike and BHK 52,54 and 56" are the
words of CIGAR Afishingknotto. PJ COULD have said all that, but I certainly couldn't say.
Not sure we will hear from PJ again on this thread as it has definitely gotten a little heated, but I reacted
strongly to the fact that I thought this was some kind of direct quote or verbal admission that he just felt
like copying the cigars in question. He may certainly done that, and in order to launch them he would
have certainly had to have had dozens of meetings where he described ganking their idea, but I think
a lot of times cA just says whatever they want. And cigars for some reason are all going big.

But how can he rip off the Saints logo like that and get away with it, lol?
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