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Old 06-21-2012, 10:28 AM   #50
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: The Poor Mans Behike?

Last time I chime in here but wasn't the ring size of the Behikes something that they made to fill in a void so they can cash in on a segment that they were missing out on that the NC manufacturers created and the demand grew at an amazingly fast pace here in the U.S.? These larger ring sizes are out of the norm for Cuban marcas so it does work both ways but I do realize that in this discussion it's apples and oranges as Pete is replicating the the exact size and shape and giving each a similar name to the Behike. Just kind of pointing it out as it was brought up a couple times how the NC market is always ripping off the Cuban marcas.
OLS, you should give some of the brands you mentioned a try as most of their lines are not all about just delivering power without any other substance. Yes, they offer a large amount of fuller bodied smokes but most are not busting at the seams with power. I honestly see that segment/demand starting to fade a little bit in the NC market. Guys are looking for more substance than just a powerhouse lately Pepin(Pete, same boat), JD and AJ offer some great smokes/blends that offer great flavor and complexity.
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