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Old 06-21-2012, 09:33 AM   #45
Suck It
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Default Re: The Poor Mans Behike?

Neo, You are right, I do seem out of touch on the current scene using Nicaraguan tobacco.
My first taste of it was a Padron, and I think they blend it about as well as it can be blended.
Once the LFD super Ligero bombs came out 10-12 years ago, and everyone had to blend cigars
so strong and manly, the Nicaraguan cigars I have seen evolve from that impetus have
not been to my liking. I DO like Nicaraguan tobacco, but I do not like seeing it blended
with so much emphasis on power. I do not think you can do both power and flavor and
do it in good balance. Lots of companies claim to be doing just that, but not from where
I smoke. Cuban cigars, with all their faults, are the best tasting cigars on earth.

No wonder PJ rips them off so unabashedly.
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