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Old 06-21-2012, 01:00 AM   #22
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Default Re: Need advice on a tablet PC or e reader

Originally Posted by backwoods357 View Post
Do you mean "Windows phone"? Win 8 phone isn't yet released, so the jury is still out. I am interested to see how it pans out. M$ seems to be throwing all their eggs in the mobile basket with this release. I don't really expect it to blow my socks off, I'm just happy it will push development in the mobile space. If I don't happen to like win 8, I'll just run 7 in it's place on the snazzy new hardware.
Nope, I meant Win8 Phone. I work on an almost daily basis with high level MS technical and sales staff. They've all been running various betas of Win8 phone for months so I've had the chance to play with several iterations and evolutions. The thing that kills all of them is Metro. Absolutely horrible interface, it's like MS decided it's target audience was toddlers and pre-schoolers.

Personally I hope that MS manages to make a strong tablet, but I'll never buy or use one. I want to see some real competition in that market to drive innovation. Apple has it all it's own way right now with it's only competition being a bunch of also ran devices that, as good as they make be on the hardware side, will never see enough market penetration outside niche markets to really matter. That's not healthy for any market.

FYI, running Win7 on a touch device is a pointless exercise. It's touch controls are far too rudimentary to make it usable and it's just not optimised for tablets. If you buy an MS Surface you're going to be stuck with the Win8 OS it ships with.
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