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Old 06-20-2012, 05:11 PM   #18
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Default Re: Where the band is on Cigars

Originally Posted by pektel View Post
wow. guess i'm not a real smoker. i never apply rules to how any cigar should be smoked, except that i try to find the maximum enjoyment out of it. i'll experiment with how hard i'll draw, the length of draw, retrohale, and so forth until i find the way i personally enjoy the cigar the most. not every cigar can be enjoyed in the exact same way. and i'll put down a cigar whenever i feel like it, and frankly not give a damn if someone tries to label that as being less than a 'real smoker'.
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I agree. I've pitched a good number of cigars before I've reached the band... due to bad construction, bad blends, my mood, etc. I'm making reference to guys that smoke every cigar with the same methods. It's good that you experiment with every cigar to determine what works best.

I've seen many guys smoke cigar after cigar without reaching the bands. I tell them that good cigars are meant to be smoked further than 1/2 way. If they pitch them before even reaching the ligero, then they are wasting the cigar (my opinion). The main reason I smoke is for flavor. The mere ritual of smoking a cigar doesn't excite me at all. I don't like smoking the same mild stick for 2+ hours.

I've had guys bug me for cigars, and I give them a well aged stick out of my collection. It pisses me off when they continuously smoke a couple inches and then toss it. When I try to explain the blending and methods behind Cuban cigars, they look at me with a blank stare and shrug it off. I don't like seeing a 1998 Bolivar Corona Extra being tossed after 1/2 of the cigar.

These are the type of people that don't deserve my cigars. They just want to mooch your cigars and have something burning in their hands. They don't care about getting the max flavor and smoking experience out of a cigar. THESE are the folks I'm referring to when I say "non-real" smoker. I've given quality cigars too many times to guys that aren't serious. These are the guys that get gifted cigars from the bag of sticks sitting in the closet.

If I've given a guy 10 different quality sticks with plenty of age, and he smokes every single one without getting down to the ligero... then I don't consider him to be a "real" smoker.
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