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Old 06-20-2012, 08:56 AM   #10
Suck It
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Default Re: Where the band is on Cigars

I had a box of SLR Churchills one day, early on in my career as a smuhgglher, and all the bands were
consistently applied....about a half inch below where they "belonged". I just shrugged and enjoyed them,
but they were bought early on in my experience and I later dropped the vendor for mixing in questionable
cigars (Spain vendor) and even thought they were fantastic smokes, truly unique and delicious, it always
bothered me. Some of you have received these smokes from me over the years, I wonder if you noted
the bands and if you enjoyed the cigar? Don't worry, I am certain they were legit.

By the way, I have never understood people who remove the bands halfway, after the glue has softened.
If it is done as to not be pretensious, then how did you feel for the first half of the cigar when the band
was on? Did no one LOOK? If you do it in order to nub the smoke, why not wait until the end when it is
REALLY heated up? But no offense, hell I don't understand why people remove the bands at all.
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