Originally Posted by area51
Its probably just markup. He's selling it for what he knows people are going to pay for it + taxes and all that stuff. It's nice to support B&Ms but they've got to support you as well.
Not sure that I agree with this. A Retail store costs a lot more than an Internet-Only business.
- You have to have a nice looking store rather than a warehouse
- You have to pay sales people -- who have to look nice and have some experience with cigars -- rather than a stock person in a warehouse**
- You need to be able to handle cash
- You need humifiied display cases rather than humidified bulk storage
- And so on...
Anything (not just cigars) you purchase at a B&M store is going to cost more -- that's the whole premise behind Internet businesses. They can sell for less because their costs are lower.
Just my
(** I know that some stores do not have experienced help but I think that they all desire experienced help)