Thread: Cigar Wishlist
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Old 06-19-2012, 11:20 AM   #33
Suck It
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Default Re: Cigar Wishlist

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
Every time I make a wishlist I change it, I haven't kept a list in a long time.
I agree with this statement because I think lists like this are for people who REALLY enjoyed
taking the Sears Wishbook when it came in in late summer and sitting in your room and working
out just what you thought you could get away with asking for for Christmas. Some people just
like to make lists. It's busy work.

HOWEVER, as I am not like them, but apparently have DONE what "those people" do, I will explain
myself to make it sound like I am still better than those people. After I got my seeezure letter
from our buddies in the Gubmint, I decided to write down a list of cigars I still had to own a box
or two of before I could legitimately QUIT that dangerous practice of ordering CCs. More of a
bucket than a wish list, I tried to stick to it precisely whenever I had a few thousand lying
around and bought everything on it. The I amended it with some Charlottes and a large selection of
various long and thin panatelas. I think I can still find my list from about 2004 which I will try to do.
There are still about 7 cigars on there left unbought. The SALES happened. Threw the list into the pooper.
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