Thread: B&M Pricing
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Old 06-19-2012, 10:49 AM   #16
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Default Re: B&M Pricing

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post
You sir have better luck then me. I was not impressed. At least now, I will admit there was something there....but maybe in 3-5 years. Right now I couldn't imagine having paid ~$65 or so for those 2 cigars. They weren't worth it.....yet. Now I keep hearing the 52's are better but I'll wait till I can get a 3 year old box to do further testing. I refuse to smoke another "fresh" Behike.

The only Behikes I've smoked have been early 2010's. Were they STELLAR? Nope. They were very good though. Not for the price they command either, but I've never had a BAD one that I would have to set down. I was just attributing the less than stellar experience to my goat palate. And diff'rent strokes. Most people seem to like the 52 the best, but I prefer the 54.
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