Thread: B&M Pricing
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Old 06-19-2012, 08:12 AM   #12
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Default Re: B&M Pricing

Originally Posted by pnoon View Post
On a sample of one?

I'm not saying the Drac is good or bad. I've never had one. I just don't see the logic in drawing conclusions on a sample of a single stick.
The Drac was lackluster when compared to the rest of the Monster Series or the rest of the Tat line for that matter but age did improve it slightly. Overall though the Drac just was not very impressive although even fresh I personally didn't think they were bad enough to put down early albeit they were a little green at release. They just were not a good example of a Tat in my opinion as it is rare for me to find a stick in the line whether it be regular production or limited that does not impress but I am a self admitted Tat Ho.
Limited edition Opus always tend to be priced high. Retail on that stuff is high to begin with and than once it hits some retailers they become even more pricey. $29.99 is very high in my opinion for a Drac even with it being an out of production limited but again as PNoon said it's all relative. I know a bunch of guys that would jump on that all day. The Frank which was the best in the series goes on average lately for $30 a stick which is high for me but guys manage to unload them online in a matter of hours so clearly I am just a cheap ass. They were good but just not $30 a stick good. My cap for most smokes is $20 a stick and even than those purchases are far and few in between.
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