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Old 06-19-2012, 07:11 AM   #17
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Default Re: the "Rocket"....NOT GUILTY

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
Exactly. And come to find out that nobody even bothered to ask her.
Honestly, I love the Rocket. He's a lovable asshole. He embraces being what he is and doesn't offer up any excuses for it.
Bonds is a woman-beating self-important shoe scraping, always was. Juice or no juice, I've never understood why taxpayer money is chasing them. It's just so silly it boggles me. It makes sense if MLB was up in his business, or the cops, but the federal government probably has more important fish to fry. Or I certainly hope they would. Apparently they do not.

This should just about wrap things up, Yes? I think Bonds is done as well, or is he still under investigation? Anyone else?
Congress doesn't like being lied to, especially under oath, particularly in such a vehement fashion as Clemens did. He essentially gave Congress and the American people the finger and dared them to do something about it. I hope it cost him a ton of money as well as the HOF.
"Man's mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not." -John Galt
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