Thread: Games thread!
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Old 06-16-2012, 05:59 PM   #1654
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Default Re: Games thread!

Originally Posted by Bill86 View Post

I see what you're saying but I can't completely agree, the games have quite a bit of play time. That said it really isn't hard to make a few changes to essentially the same game and come up with a new storyline.

I enjoy the franchise though, reminds me of the Hitman games, speaking of which I can't wait for the new one.

Although I couldn't playthrough Revelations, it's terrible....I'll have to complete it though
Making a few changes and coming up with a new story line used to be called an expansion pack. Because it takes a fraction of the time and effort that an actual full game takes, the cost should be adjusted accordingly, IMO anyway. Another 60 bucks for what is essentially just a story continuation is a major peeve of mine.
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