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Old 06-15-2012, 07:38 AM   #18
ex-CS Swamp Gorilla
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Default Re: How tolerant are you? And can you live with out it?

I used to run a B&M, so whatever lack of tolerance I may have had, I certainly built it up quickly I think I peaked at around 4-5 sticks a day.

Some things I've noticed over 10 years about my smoking:

- I used to love madruo and oscuro wrappers for the strength, richness, and slightly sweet flavors. Now I generally prefer Connecticut or other shade wrappers for the delicacy of flavor and the richness, letting the body of the cigar add the strength I like.
- Raw strength is less desirable now to me as a complex body that will sneak up on me. I like the surprise and the evolution of a cigar more now.
- These days, I find myself being a very lazy smoker. I used to be an "anytime, anywhere, any size" smoker, but now I enjoy it most either right after a heavy meal, or while driving down I-10 with the windows cracked. Mid-day lunch smokes are more of a way to get out of the office for an hour and recharge my batteries than a desire to smoke. I still enjoy them though.
- When I started smoking, my two favorite sizes were the traditional Cuban sized pyramides and churchills because I felt they had more depth of flavor and could showcase a blend better. I love those sizes still, but I find myself smoking a lot more robustos and coronas (time thing I suppose). And Perfectos....WTF, need I say more

All cigar lovers evolve to some degree or another. Some roll the full spectrum of things to experience, and some maybe are just as happy finding that "one" thing and staying there. It is a hobby about enjoying your time and your company after all
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