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Old 06-14-2012, 09:08 AM   #1
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Default How tolerant are you? And can you live with out it?

That's exactly what the question is.

How tolerant are you to Cigars? And can you live with out it?

I'll explain the questions.
When I started about six years ago. I didn't have the confidence of just pulling out the cigar and smoking it. I got a buzz & the nauseating headache a few times, or just just didn't enjoy the experience. With time I learned many things that help the smoker or at least me make it a better experience.
Things I have heard from others mostly on the thread and tried and followed and a lot of them I figured out on my own until I mastered or adjusted my self to most of them.
A few examples:
Don't smoke on an empty stomach
Drink something sweet,
If your very tired you might get a headache.
If you feel constipated your asking for trouble lighting that cigar.
If your body temp is to hot that's not good. & if your hot and the cold A/C is blowing in your face in the car that's even worse.
A humid day is the worst day to smoke out side. Or at all.
that it some of the things I can think of right now.

The interesting thing is, I slowly figured out a few things with the years.
I'll walk in to the shop asking for something not to strong, and the guys will laugh and say you always say that but all you smoke is medium to fulls. Like Padrons, Tatauje, A fuente, 107's etc.. They almost call me the not to strong guy.

#1 I did build up some kind of tolerance.
#2 Lately for months, I'v been trying to smoke a 50-60 minute cigar on the way in to work. I guess they are mostly mediums. I pull my car over under a shady tree in a quiet street roll down the windows and smoke a cigar. That's about 8:30 AM, I do wake after 5 so by then I had three Decaf coffees and only some eggs. That's it, and I'm fine. I do have a diet Snapple handy if I need a flush once in a while.

I know some will laugh it off. As they just light in go anytime anywhere. But I'm sure some can relate something????

Oh, And I could live with out a cigar for months......
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