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Old 06-13-2012, 10:49 PM   #2
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Default Re: Armoire retrofit humidor project

More about my plan.

I purchased an led lighting kit, which I found on Amazon. I will be installing lights under each shelf as well as at the top and front of the cabinet. I also purchased a pressure switch from rockler, which will turn off the lights when the doors are shut. I should be able to hide the switch at the bottom and off to the side.

I will also be installing fans throughout. I will either buy the fans myself or use the set of fans that come with the Set and Forget system from Aristocrat.

This brings me to one of the decisions I still haven't made. I haven't officially decided on buying a Set and Forget system. I guess I am still considering beads. This has all I have ever used.

I thought it was worth bringing up here to discuss why I should consider just using beads. Do you guys have some thought on this topic?

For reference, the cabinet interior measurements are:
38'' wide
67" tall
21" deep

So, that should give me a gross volume of 30.94 Cubic feet.

to be continued
I'm a Dallas Stars fan. So, yes, this is a confusing time for me.
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