Corn is now in! First come, first serve. NOT putting any of it up this year (still have a bunch in freezer from last year). 58 ears from this last picking. Probably have picked 20-25 ears over last 7-10 days as they were ready. Big rain 2 days ago pretty much kicked the rest into high gear, so had to pick today.
I'm picking this many green beans every 2-3 days from 2 short seven-foot single rows (I finally measured them). I had not planned to put any beans up this year, but went ahead and canned 15 pints this past weekend.
Picked a few tomatoes today. Almost all are Roma grape variety. Full-size Romas and others varieties will start coming in next week, so I'll be canning tomatoes and sauce in a week or so.
Finally, Picked 2 quarts of blackberries from the fence line beside the garden:
I also picked enough cucumbers this past weekend to put up 20 half-pints of pickles (No pix)