As some of you know, my wife has gone thru a couple of battles with breast cancer; the first lump was discovered and removed in 07 and then more lumps were discovered in 2010 requiring more extensive surgery and healing. It was after this second surgery that Holly heard about the
Never Quit 5K and Beach Festival. She set her sights on getting strong enough to participate in it last year for the first time and completed it in fine fashion. Earlier this year she developed some complications from the previous surgeries and had to go back in to correct these issues in late February. This didn't leave her much time to prepare for this years event, but dang it she didn't do it and do it well!
She is no longer able to run, but she can walk. This year, even though she was not at the same level of condition she was last year, she beat her personal goal of last years time! She came in 163rd in her class, but there were a LOT of people behind her. Seeing her a couple of years ago, even a couple of months ago, I wouldn't have believed she would be able to be where she is today. With what she has fought thru, she is definitely a hero to me and my daughter.
As I have said before, we have been given a life to live, not to just exist through. Events in our lives present some challenges (between the two of us, we have had 5 serious surgeries, 2 of which could have been life enders in the past 6 or so years), so we know how hard things can get, but we have to keep putting one foot in front of the other and know that our family and friends are there with us, cheering and rooting us along the entire time.
The star athlete and her awesome coach/cheering section/sponsor/lover/greatest fan
Starting down the beach
Crossing the finish line
The picture speaks for itself!
Receiving her pendant (I pretty sure I intimidated the presenting marine)