Originally Posted by VTDragon
OK, the time has come. Go with the young guys.
Trade Youk and Beckett for a decent starting pitcher- ANY starting pitcher. Those two are a cancer in the clubhouse. Let Middlebrook and Nava and Kalish play every day until Ellsbury and Crawford come back. Trade Aviles and Podsesnik for another starting pitcher while they have some value, (competition is good). Tell Bard his only route back to the majors is as a short reliever- forget about starting forever. As soon as Iglesias is ready- bring him up and let him prove or disprove whether he can hit major league pitching. Trade Dice K for a AAA pitcher while he has some value.
And while you're at it, just torch Fenway and start over again.
Really, what makes you think you'd get more than a bag of peanuts for most of those guys anyway?

, but convince me I'm wrong.