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Old 06-12-2012, 06:54 PM   #8
Don B
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Default Re: Cheap Cigar Infusing Experiment

Ok. Been 2 months since setting up the infusions. Here are the results:
ALL of the infusions have improved the enjoyment of the A. Fermins, some more so than others:
1) Meyer's Dark Rum (in a cup, soaked into sterile gauze - cigars are not touching liquid). These came out of the infusion too moist. I set them in a spare box to allow them to re-stabilize in moisture. After a few days - WOW. Nice, deep flavor of RUM through the first third especially, and the whole cigar was at least twice as enjoyable as the un-infused control group. WILL DO MORE LIKE THIS.
2) Kahlua (same setup). Much more subtle on liquor flavor uptake, but once again, a great improvement over the plain. WILL DO MORE LIKE THIS.
3) Fresh-ground Columbian coffee. The pre-light aroma on this group was very, very nice. After the light, the coffee flavor seemed to fade quickly, and the second half of the cigar became near-identical to the non-infused control group. Nice, but not worth repetition.
4) I had also set up a Gran Marnier batch. These are also very nice compared to plain, and well worth the infusion. Will do more like this.
So, in conclusion, I really am happy with the liqour-infusion experiment of taking some horribly cheap smokes and making them into customized tasty, yet still everyday, stogies. Hope I have encouraged some of you to give it a shot. Let me know...
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