Originally Posted by forgop
The last time it happened, it was also the same thing-it had been dropped and had a shattered back glass and then also had a mic issue where you couldn't hear her talking. They told me they won't cover anything when it has obviously been mishandled, dropped, you name it. I can't say that I blame them either. What they did do was say they did offer a one-time exchange for $150, so I went with that.
The heck of it is, I will be selling the used iPhone 4 in it's current condition and pay a large portion of the replacement cost to get her a 4S. I'll probably go ahead and upgrade to a 4S myself and sell off the older phone for virtually the same price. Might as well since it extends us another 2 years and we might as well be on the same schedule.
It doesn't hurt that my new job gives me a 23% discount on my AT&T plan, which is better than the guy working at the AT&T store said he gets. 
Yeah, it depends on the genius you get how far they'll go in their discretion. The back glass is always $29 though.
I guess it's safer to just get the back glass replaced, then a week later take it in for the mic issue (that way they won't presume that the issue was caused by the drop).